The Dooley Family

Dooley family crest

(Crest No. 278. Plate 32.)

THE Dooley family is descended from Milesius, King of Spain, through the line of his son Heremon. The founder of the family was Eocha Dubhlein, or Doivlen, brother of Fiacha Straivetine, first King of Connaught of the race of Heremon. The ancient name was Dubhlein, meaning “Defiance.” The Dooleys were Chiefs of Fertullach, the present barony of Fertullagh, in the County of Westmeath. This was Tyrell’s country from the period of the Anglo-Norman invasion until its forfeiture in 1641, but previously to the arrival of the Tyrells it had long been the patrimony of the O’Dooleys.

In 1144 Connor MacTerlagh O’Connor, King of Ireland and Prince of Meath for the space of half a year, was killed by O’Dooley, King of Fertullagh, because he was unjustly chosen to reign over Meath, which O’Dooley could not well brook. Subsequently the O’Dooleys migrated to Ely O’Carroll, where their descendants are yet numerous.