Mac Biorthagra

Rev Patrick Woulfe

Mac BIORTHAGRA—VIIM'Birehagree, M'Birryhaggery, M'Birragra, M'Birrekry, M'Berrickerey, Biracree, Biracrea, Berachry, Berocry, Berkerry, Berkery; also Mac Bearthagra, which see; 'son of the sharp pleader' (Irish 'bior' or 'bear,' sharp, and 'tagradh,' pleading); the name of an Ulster family who were brehons to the O'Neills. They disappeared from Ulster about the middle of the 16th century, and the surname has ever since been peculiar to Tipperary and East Limerick, whither, not improbably, the family migrated in the reign of Elizabeth.

Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames