George Rencher, Limner, etc

(fl. c. 1761)

Limner, etc

From A Dictionary of Irish Artists 1913

What is known of this artist is contained in an advertisement in "Faulkner's Journal" in April, 1751: "George Rencher, limner, who has lately arrived from London, and lives at the Vandyke Head, the first end of Smock Alley, next the Blind Quay, having a secret of cleaning pictures peculiar to himself, by which he has given great satisfaction to the nobility and gentry of England, ... he also paints ceilings and staircases in history from twenty guineas to 500, according to the subject chosen; cheap, airy ornaments for ceilings after the new French mode, from five to ten guineas; paints landskips from nature, takes prospective views of cities, towns and buildings, of country gentlemen's seats; copies family pictures or any other subject exceeding well, and paints from the life." In a later advertisement, 18th-20th May, he adds that he paints pedigrees and arms on vellum, escutcheons and banners for funerals, and drums and colours for the army.

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