Mac Uileagóid

Rev Patrick Woulfe

Mac UILEAGÓID—VM'Killegode, M'Killigott, M'Eligott, MacElligott; 'son of Wilecot' (i.e., little Ulick, a double diminutive of William); the name of an old and respectable Kerry family. They are apparently of Anglo-Norman origin, notwithstanding the statement of Dr. O'Brien in his Irish Dictionary, that they are of the same stock as the MacCarthys. BallymacElligott, near Tralee, was probably the first home of the family in Kerry, but at the beginning of the 17th century, they were seated in the parish of Galey, near Listowel, where Thomas M'Kilgod, 'chief of his nation,' held considerable property which he forfeited on his attainder. The surname, in the spoken language, is shortened to Mac Cliogóid.

Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames