Mac Ladhmainn

Rev Patrick Woulfe

Mac LADHMAINN, Mac LAGHMAINN—V—MacLamond, MacLimont, MacClamon, MacClymon, MacClimond, MacClimont, MacClemonts, MacClement, MacClymonds, Clymonds, Climons, Lammon, Lamond, Lamont, Limond, Limont, &c.; 'son of Laghmann' (a Norse personal name, meaning 'lawman' or 'lawyer'; found in Domesday Book as Laghemann and Lagman in the time of Edward the Confessor); the name of a Scoto-Irish family in Argyleshire. They are of the same stock as the MacSweenys and MacLachlins, all three families being descended, according to MacFirbis (p. 125), from three sons of Donnshléibhe Ó Néill.

Alphabetical Index to Irish Surnames