M‘Haffy – M‘Jimpsey

N.B.—The number following each name refers to the number of the principal name under which it will he found in the Alphabetical List.

M‘Haffy, 1207.
M‘Haig, 1392.
M‘Hall, 1239.
M‘Harg, 1373.
M‘Harnon, 1405.
M‘Harrison, 1245.
M‘Harroll, 1244.
M‘Harry, 1334, 1378.
M‘Hatton, 1379.
M‘Hay, 1151.
M‘Heath, 1397.
M‘Heffey, 839.
M‘Hendrie, 870.
M‘Hendry, 1374.
M‘Henery, 1374.
M‘Henry, 870, 1313, 1374, 1399.
M‘Hinch, 1375.
M‘Hinny, 1400.
M‘Hue, 1376.
M‘Hugh, 882, 940, 1288, 1376.
M‘Hugo, 1376.
M‘Ihone, 2075.
M‘Ilboy, 1320.
M‘Ilbwee, 1320.
M‘Ilchon, 1269.
M‘Ildowie, 1377.
M‘Ildowney, 1304.
M‘Ileboy, 1225.
M‘Ileese, 1153.
M‘Ilfatrick, 1034.
M‘Ilfederick, 1034.
M‘Ilhair, 246.
M‘Ilharry, 1378.
M‘Ilhatton, 1379.
M‘Ilhenny, 1306.
M‘Ilherron, 1380.
M‘Ilhone, 2075.
M‘Ilhoney, 1150.
M‘Ilhose, 1152.
M‘Ilhoyle, 352.
M‘Ilhun, 2075.
M‘Illhatton, 1379.
M‘Illicuddy, 1340.
M‘Illwain, 1386.
M‘Ilmoil, 1381.
M‘Ilmoyle, 1381.
M‘Ilmurray, 1382.
M‘Ilpatrick, 1383.
M‘Ilravy, 1308.
M‘Ilroy, 1309, 1384.
M‘Ilveen, 1385.
M‘Ilwaine, 1386.
M‘Ilwee, 1225, 1310.
M‘Ilwrath, 1387.
M‘Inally, 1444, 1611.
M‘Inch, 1375.
M‘Indoo, 1311.
M‘Ineely, 319.
M‘Inerney, 1148, 1388.
M‘Innerney, 1388.
M‘Intagert, 1317.
M‘Intaggart, 1317.
M‘Intee, 1316, 1389.
M‘Inteer, 1389.
M‘Integart, 1317.
M‘Integgart, 1949.
M‘Intire, 1389.
M‘Intosh, 1152.
M‘Intyre, 1222, 1317, 1389.
M‘Iver, 1390, 1396.
M‘Ivers, 1390.
M‘Ivor, 1390, 1396.
M‘Jimpsey, 1341.