Jeremiah Hodges Mulcahy, Landscape Painter

(d. 1889)

Landscape Painter

From A Dictionary of Irish Artists 1913

Was a native of Limerick and began his artistic career there. In January, 1842, he opened a School of Painting at 19 Catherine Street, with the object, as he said, of developing native talent hitherto dormant for want of suitable instruction. He remained in Limerick until 1862 when he settled in Dublin. He was an exhibitor in the Royal Hibernian Academy from 1843 to 1878, and was made an Associate in 1875. After 1878 he ceased to exhibit and, in consequence, his name was removed from the list of Associates in 1888. He died at his residence, 11 Avondale Terrace, Harold's Cross, on 25th December, 1889, and was buried in Limerick. Five illustrations from drawings by him are in Hall's "Ireland, its Scenery and Character."

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