The McGoldrick or Goulding Family
(Crest No. 2. Plate 1.)
THE McGoldrick or Goulding family is descended from Milesius, King of Spain, through the line of his son Heremon, first monarch of all Ireland. The founder of the family was Flahertach, son of Niallus Caille, the one hundred and sixty-sixth monarch of Ireland. He was drowned, A. D. 844, in the river Callainn, in the present County of Kilkenny, after a reign of thirteen years. Hence the name “Caille” by which he became known after his death. He fought many battles with the Danish invaders, in the most of which he was victorious. He was the eleventh monarch in direct descent from Nial of the Nine Hostages, or Nial the Great, King of Ireland. A. D. 379. The ancient name was MacUalghairg or O’Hualarg, Anglicized McGoldrick, Magaoilrick, and Goulding.
The original possessions of the sept were located in Dartraighe, now Dartry, or the barony of Rossclogher, in the north of the County of Leitrim. The name is still numerous in the neighborhood of the town of Pettigo, on the frontiers of the Counties of Donegal and Fermanagh, as also in the United States, where many descendants of this family have attained honorable distinction.
Of these may be mentioned the Most Rev. James McGoldrick, Bishop of Duluth, Minnesota, whose successful work for the promotion of temperance, education, and Catholic colonization is widely known.
Mr. John B. McGoldrick, the well-known journalist of New York, and Mr. M. F. McGoldrick, an able member of the New York bar, and his brother, Rev. Edward J. McGoldrick, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are worthy representatives of this ancient family; as also the Hon. Lawrence P. Goulding, of New York.