The Dorchy Family

Dorchy family crest

(Crest No. 158. Plate 62.)

THE Dorchy family is descended from Milesius, King of Spain, through the line of his son Heremon. The founder of the family was Conal Gulban, ancestor of the Northern Hy Nials and son of Nial of the Nine Hostages, King of Ireland, A. D. 379. The ancient name was O’Doherty and signifies “Grandson of Spear-bearer.”

The possessions of the clan were located in the present County of Mayo, where they were chiefs of Partraighe, or Partry, an ancient territory at the Partry Mountains, in that county, the location of which is marked by the present parish of Partry.

Many of this family in Mayo and Galway have Anglicized the name to Darcy or D’Arcy, and have been supposed to be some of the D’Arcys of Meath, who claim to be of English descent.