The Clancy Family

Clancy family crest

(Crest No. 252. Plate 53.)

THE Clancy family is descended from Milesius, King of Spain, through the line of his son Heber. The founder of the family was Cormac Cas, son of Olliol Ollum, King of Munster, A. D. 177, and his consort, Sabia, daughter of Con Kead Caha, or Con of the Hundred Battles, King of Ireland, A. D. 148.

The ancient name was Clanach, which signifies “Virtue.” The possessions of the sept were located in the present Counties of Cork, Limerick, and Clare. Some of these O’Clancys of Thomond were celebrated brehons and distinguished for their learning. Others of this family were chief brehons of the Earls of Desmond.

Another branch of this family, the MacClancys, held possessions in the Counties of Tipperary, Mayo, and Monaghan. Those in the last-named locality were Lords of Dartry, the present barony of that name in the west of the County of Monaghan, adjoining Lough Erne. This branch had for its founder, A. D. 194, Faha Canan, sometimes written Caha Fanan, of the line of Lugadth, son of Ith, uncle of Milesius, King of Spain. Many of these Clancys were ollavs, brehons, and learned men.

The Clancys are numerous in Ireland, in the United States, and the British Colonies, and many of them have attained honorable positions in the various walks of life. The Hon. John J. Clancy, M. P., of Dublin, Ireland, ex-high sheriff and ex-mayor of that city and a journalist and writer of reputation, is a descendant of this family. In New York journalism the name has been among the best representatives of the profession, and in Brooklyn the name has been honorably represented by the Hon. John J. Clancy and the Hon. John C. Clancy, ex-member of Congress from Brooklyn, N. Y.