Dungannon, County Tyrone

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

« Dunfanaghy | Contents | Dungiven »


Thirty-two miles from Belfast.
The Principal Trades are Grains, Corn, and Flax.
There are several large Mills which give employment to a large number of residents.
Population 3,694
Market day—Thursday


—P. J. M'Cool, Postmaster.
Letters despatched to Cookstown, Stewartstown, Coalisland, &c, at 2 a.m.; to Armagh, Portadown, Portrush, Belfast, &c, at 9 a.m.; to Donaghmore, Pomeroy, Derry, Omagh, Enniskillen, &c, at 8-22 a.m.; to Edendork, Ballygawley, Donaghmore, Castlecaulfield, &c, at 9-15 a.m.; to Belfast, Scotland, and North of England, at 1-45 p.m.; to Cookstown, 3 p.m.; Scotland and North of England, 6-15 p.m.; London and South of England, 6-30 p.m.; and all places at 11-30 p.m.
Deliveries—All places, 7-0 a.m.; Belfast and Scotland, at counter, 9-25 a.m.; daily mail deliveries, 9-25 a.m.; Belfast and North of England, at counter, 1-30 p.m.; Derry, Omagh, Cookstown, Belfast, &c, 3-25 p.m.; Belfast, Dublin, Portadown, and Armagh, 6-35 p.m.
Receiving Office, Scotch street—G. M'Ferran
Fire Brigade Station, Market square—John Hardy, captain; E. Hodgett, vice-captain
Killyman District Loyal Orange Lodge (23 lodges, 900 members)—Hunt, W. Chambre, J.P., District Master; Barry Meglaughlin, solicitor, D.D.M.; R. D. Greeves, District Secretary; Henry Atkinson, District Treasurer
Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages— Dungannon District, J. C. Sugars, M.D.; Coalisland District, Dr. J. W. J. Scott; Benburb District, Dr. T. D. Browne; Clonavaddy District, Dr. T. S. Gill
Rural District Council—Hunt W. Chambre, J.P. (chairman); Major R. J. Howard (vice-chairman), William M'Guffin, clerk and executive sanitary officer
Constabulary Station—Market square—T. Monson, D.I.; Head-Constable Hyland
Literary and Scientific Rooms, St. Patrick's Hall (R.C.), Union place
Church of Ireland Young Men's Society, Free Gardners' Hall—President, Rev. T. J. M'Endoo; secretary, C. Holden
First Dungannon Young People's Guild—-Secretary, H. Cunningham; president Rev. S. Lindsay, B.A.
Wesley Guild—Rev. H. Shire, president
"Dungannon Volunteer" Branch Irish National Foresters' Benefit Society, No. 169, Volunteer Memorial Hall, Dungannon
White Rose Lodge No. 308, British Order of Ancient Free Gardeners' Benefit Society, Free Gardeners' Hall, Dungannon—Frederick M'Keown, secretary
Courthouse—William M'Kee, keeper
Clerk of Petty Sessions—James M. Hamilton, College View
Clerk of Town Court—James M. Hamilton, College View
Commissioners for Administering Oaths in Chancery, and Commissioners of Affidavits—James M. Hamilton and Thos. Bryars
Commissioner for taking Acknowledgments of Deeds by Married Women in Ireland—John C. Crossle, solicitor
Dispensary, Barrack street—J. C. Sugars, M.D., surgeon
Supervison—R. Campbell, Castlehill
Gas Works, Washingford Row—Samuel Clugston, secretary
Great Northern Railway, Dungannon—Philip Magee, stationmaster, Coalisland; F. W. Wilson, stationmaster, Donaghmore—J. Thompson, stationmaster
Land Agents—Major Alexander (to the Earl of Ranfurly), Robert Newton (to Messrs. Shiel and others), Joseph Atkinson (Verner Estate)
Dungannon Nursing Society—Mrs. Dickson, Milltown House, secretary; Miss Middleton, Thomas street, nurse
Masonic Hall, Thomas street—Edward Millar, caretaker; Orange Hall, Thomas street—J. Dougal, caretaker; Forester Hall, Donaghmore road; Free Gardeners' Hall, Park View; St. Patrick's Hall, Union place
Provident Loan Society, Coalisland
Registrar of Marriages—Alexander Patterson; deputy registrar, Thomas Bryars
Sanitary Inspector and Town Sergeant—Edward Hodgett, Perry street
School Attendance Committee (No. 1 District) J. Richardson, chairman; Rev. R. T. Simpson, M.A., vice-chairman; W. J. Beatty, secretary
Town Surveyor—Robert M' Donald, Castle hill
The Staff of the Mid-Ulster Artillery is stationed here; stores in Castle Hill; Captain Gray, adjutant; Sergeant-major Donohue
Inspector under Factory Acts—James Kerr, Drumcoo
Union Workhouse—20 electoral divisions. The Board meets every alternate Thurs- day. Hunt W. Chambre, J.P., chairman; Major R. J. Howard, vice-chairman; Thomas H. Shannon, deputy vice-chairman; William M'Guffin, clerk and returning officer; W. Twigg, M.D., medical officer
Dungannon Golf Club—W. Dickson, hon. secretary
Dungannon Rugby Football Club—James O. Hamilton, hon. secretary, College view
Dungannon Hockey Club—W. Dickson, hon. secretary
Billiard Rooms—Foresters' Hall (Anne St.), Union Place Institute, Northland Arms Hotel, Ranfurly Arms Hotel, Free Gar- deners' Hall, and St. Patrick's Hall


Church of Ireland, St. Ann's, Church street—Rev. T. J. M'Endoo, M.A., rector; Rev. C. S. Stewart, B.A., curate
Castlecaulfield—Rev. John R. Sides, M.A., incumbent
Donaghmore—Rev. R. W. Browne, M.A., incumbent
Coalisland—Rev. S. Gauden, incumbent
Killyman—Rev. E. F. Campbell, M.A., rector
Newmills—Rev. Gordon Scott, M.A., rector
Derrygortreavy—Rev. F. G. Nelson, incumbent
Clonoe—Rev. J. S. Monck, M.A., rector
Dungannon Baptist Chapel—Rev. T. Warwick, pastor
Independent Chapel, Donaghey—Rev. Saml. Greer, pastor
First Presbyterian Church—Rev. S. Lindsay, B.A.
Second Presbyterian Church—Rev. R. T. Simpson, M.A.
Eglish Presbyterian Church—Rev. W. T. Latimer, M.A., The Manse.
Castlecaulfield—Rev. R. M'Clean. Carland— Rev. Joseph M'Causland.
Newmills— Rev. D. T. Macky
Salvation Army Hall, Orange Hall—11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
The Methodist Churches, Perry street, Dungannon; Castlecaulfield, and Dungorman—Rev. Henry Shire
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Chapel, Northland row—Rev. Monsignor Byrne, P.P.; Rev. J. O'Callaghan, C.C.; and Rev. Peter M'Shane, C.C.
Roman Catholic Chapel, Coalisland—Rev. P. A. M'Kee, C.C.
Roman Catholic Chapel, Donaghmore—Rev. Canon J. J. M'Cartan, P.P.; Rev. Joseph O'Neill, C.C.
Roman Catholic Chapel, Eglish—Rev. P. Hughes, P.P.; Rev. T. Sheridan, C.C. Galbally—Rev. Hugh Teggart, C.C.


Savings Bank, George street—W. M. Carpendale, actuary
Belfast Banking Company (Branch), Bank Buildings, Market square—H. Robinson, manager; J. Allen, cashier
Provincial Bank of Ireland (Branch), Scotch street—J. K. Caldwell, cashier
Royal School—R. F. Dill, M.A., head-master; R. W. Bingham, M.A.; E. G. H. Wright, E. G. Brown, and M. Mercier, assistant masters
Technical Institute, Ann st.—James Dickson, J.P., chairman of committee; J. M. Hamilton, secretary


Ballynakelly—Miss Kynes, teacher
Altmore—Miss K. Collins, teacher
Carland—P. M'Adoo, principal
Coalisland—Mrs. M. Glasgow, teacher; Castlecaulfield—No. 1, Matthew Devinney, teacher; No. 2, John Manelis, teacher; Donaghmore—Misses Duffy & Collins, teachers; Union place—J. Boyd and Mrs. Leith, teachers; Robert Simpson, assistant; John street—W. H. N. Thornberry and Miss M'Kew, teachers; Lower market—D. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy, teachers
Convent Schools—Sisters of Mercy, teachers
Crossdermott—Robert Tims
Donaghmore, No. 1—B. Brennan and Mrs. Brennan, teachers
Donaghmore, No. 2—M. J. Doherty and Miss Sweeney, teachers
Edendork—J. Molly and Miss Bowen, teachers
Eglish—Miss Gallagher and T. Turbitt, teachers
Galbally—Mr. Hegarty and Miss Trodden, teachers
Gortgonis—-Mr. H. T. Kelly, principal
Gortnaglush—Mr. Thomas H. M'Adoo, principal
Granville—-Mr. Spence, teacher
John Street National School—J. Thornberry, assistant
Killyman—Mr. D. A. Simmons and Mrs. Farrell
Kerrib—Mr. Riordan
Kilnaslee—Mr. Wilson, teacher
Ladies' School, College Buildings—Miss M. M'Dermott, B.A., principal
Laghey—Miss Collins
Moygashel—R. J. Templeton, teacher; Miss L[?]unk, assistant
Newmills—George Wright, teacher; Miss Gilpin, assistant
Parkanaur—E. Ross, teacher
[S——-r?]—James Rodgers,[?] teacher; Mr. Rodgers, assistant
St. Patrick's Academy (Intermediate School)—Rev. John Ward, C.C., head master; Mr. Thomas Walsh, assistant
The Bush—Miss Cullen, teacher
Tullyallen—Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson, teachers


Acheson, David, J.P., Castlecaulfield
Acheson, Mrs., ladies' emporium, Scotch st.
Acheson & Smith, weaving factory, Castlecaulfield
Adams, Mrs., Torrent hill
Aiken, John, & Son, grocers and seed merchants, Scotch street
Alexander, Henry, shoemaker, Donaghmore
Alexander, Colonel, Derrygally
Allen, Miss, draper, Coalisland
Alton.J., Provincial Bank
Anderson, George D., Carrowcolman
Anderson, James, plumber, Scotch street
Anderson, Robert, tenter, Milltown
Anderson, W. J., farmer, Coolkill
Andrews & Co., tea merchants, Stuart row
Atkinson, Henry, corn mill, Drummuck
Atwell, John, woodturner and general dealer, Hill View terrace
Ballance & Lennon, hardware merchants, Market square
Barcroft, Mrs., Stangmore house
Barcroft, Mrs., Stangmore lodge
Beatty, C, factory manager, Coalisland
Beatty, John, china warehouse, cabinetmaker, and general house furnisher, Irish street and Union place
Beatty, Nathaniel, farmer, Cohannon
Beatty, Samuel, postman, Thomas street
Beatty, Mrs. Mary, postmistress, Coalisland
Beatty, W. J., law assistant and Press correspondent, Thomas street
Bell, Alex., grocer, Irish street
Bell, Alex., Mount Royal
Bell, Ross, carowner, Market square
Bennett, Hugh, cattledealer, Washingford
Benson, Robert, C.B.O., Perry street
Bingham, R. W., B.A., Dungannon Royal School
Birney, Hugh, tailor, photographer, and tobacconist, Ann street
Best, John, baker and grocer, George's st.
Blemings, Percy, C.B.O., Castlecaulfield
Boden, John, farmer, Killyneill
Bower, J. G., Ranfurly Arms Hotel
Boyce, John, farmer, Roughan
Boyd, John, jun., school teacher, Union pl.
Boyd, Wilson, contractor, Farlough
Boyd, W. W., estate agent, Killymeal
Boyle, Conn, Irish street
Boyle, F., corn miller & publican, Cappagh
Bradford, John H., farmer, Gortshalgan
Bradford, Robert, farmer, Drummuck, Killyman, Moy
Bradley Bros., flax mills, Castlecaulfield
Bradley, Luke, county director of technical education, Mount Royal
Bradley, William, farmer, Drumeenagh, Killyman, Moy
Brannigan, Arthur, farmer, Eglish
Brennan, B. M., school teacher, Donaghmore
Bristowe, Charles, landstewart, Parkanaur
Brown, David, Donaghmore
Brown, D., & Son, soap and candle manufacturers, Donaghmore
Brown, Miss, dressmaker, Thomas street
Brown, Robert, Aghareaney house
Brown, Mrs., Lambfield
Browne, Dr. T. D., Benburb
Browne, Lieut.-Col. Wm., Killymaddy house
Browne, Rev. Robert, M.A., Donaghmore, Dungannon
Bruce, James, D.L., Manor house, Benburb
Bryars, John, professor of elocution, Scotch street
Bryars, John, blacksmith, Newmills
Buchan, Charles, Glenholme
Buchanan, George, watchmaker, Donaghmore
Burges, Mrs., Parkanaur
Burges, Miss, draper, Coalisland
Burleigh, R. W., commercial traveller, Thomas street
Burnett, Wm., contractor, William street
Burns, James, earthenware manufacturer, Ballynakelly
Burns, Thomas, blacksmith, Milltown
Burrows, William, confectioner and posting establishment, Church street
Burrows, Mrs., spirit dealer, Castlecaulfield
Burrows, William, farmer, Cavan, Killyman, Moy
Burrows, John, farmer, Edendork, Dungannon
Byrne, Arthur, Legilly
Byrne, Michael, Coalisland
Byrne, Right Rev. Monsignor, V.G., Ranfurly terrace
Caldwell, Stewart, farmer, Donaghmore
Campbell, Edward, Clonaneese
Campbell, J., grocer, Lisnagleer
Campbell, Mrs., publican, Curran
Campbell & O'Neill, coach factory, Thomas street
Campbell, Rev. E. F., M.A., Killyman, Moy
Carberry, F., cattle dealer, Washingford row
Carberry, John, grocer, draper, and carowner, Donaghmore
Carberry, Patrick, hairdresser, Scotch street
Carland Quarry Company—Charles Hinds, manager
Carpendale, W. M., Falkland, Carland
Carson, Thomas, butter merchant, John st.
Cartmill, James, carpenter, Castlecaulfield
Cavanagh, James, grocer and spirit merchant, Perry street
Cassidy, Patrick, cooper, Scotch street
Cavanagh, P., fowl dealer, Perry street
Chambre, C. B. M., J.P., Dungannon
Chambre, Hunt W., J.P., Dungannon house
Chapman, A., hardware & china merchant, Ann street
Charles, Thomas H., grocer, hardware and coal merchant, Scotch street
Clancy, P. J., draper, Coalisland
Clarke, G., watchmaker, Church street
Clark, Ledlie, & Co., weaving factory, Coalisland
Clark, Charles, Trewmount
Cole, Miss, publican, Irish street
Collins, Charles, Grove cottage
Clugston, Samuel, bookkeeper
Clugston, W. K., factory manager, Thomas street
Connolly, Henry, provision dealer, Coalisland
Connor, John, insurance agent, Perry street
Conroy, Francis, sexton. Miltown
Corey, John, Scotch street
Corr, James, J.P., grocer, draper, and spirit dealer, Coalisand
Corr, John, solicitor, Coalisland
Corr & McNally, Ulster Fireclay Works and colliery owners, Coalisland
Costley, C, draper, Coalisland
Courtney, Anthony, Lisnahoy, Killyman, Dungannon
Crawford & Smith, grocers and bakers, Church street
Cross, Archibald, Kinnego, Killyman, Moy
Cross, Abraham, farmer, Moyroe, Killyman, Moy
Cross, Mrs., servants' registry office, Castle hill
Cross, Thomas, farmer, Kinnego, Moy
Cullen, John, bootmaker, Park road
Cullen Bros., cattle dealers and butchers, Irish street
Cullen, James, cattle dealer and butcher, Park road and Scotch street
Cullen, J. & M., live stock dealers, Market square
Cullen, T., provision dealer, Scotch street
Cummings, George C, Killeen, Dungannon
Cummings, Mrs., boot and shoe warehouse, Scotch street
Cummings, Samuel, road contractor, Aughrimderg
Cunningham, F., Sloan street
Cunningham, G. A., commercial traveller, Perry street
Cunningham, Michael, mason, William st.
Cunningham, Mrs., entertainment and lodgings, William street
Curran, A., grocer, Donaghmore
Dalton, William, R.D.C., Dunamoney
Daly, Bernard, farmer, Clogherney
Daly, Mrs., spirit dealer and carowner, Scotch street
Daniel, Robert, J.P., Derryvale
Darragh, W. H., J.P., The Villa
Davidson, Thomas, Mullaghadun
Davidson, J., boot and leather warehouse, Scotch street
Davis, James, monumental works, John st.
Devine, Charles, barber, Irish street
Devlin, J., grocer and spirit dealer, Coalisland
Dickson, James, J.P., Militown house
Dickson & Co., weaving factory, manufacturers of brown and striped drills, fancy dress linens, and damask table linens, Milltown
Dill, R. F., M.A., Royal School
Doherty, Ambrose, grocer and publican, Irish street
Donaghy, Hugh, P.L.G., Altmore
Donaghy, J., hairdresser, Coalisland
Donahoe, Sergeant-Major P., R.A.
Donnelly, Mrs., dressmaker, Irish street
Donnolly, Alice, grocer, Garland
Donnolly, J., flax dealer, Irish street
Douglas, John, flax merchant, Ranfurly ter.
Doyle, James, farmer, Mullaghadun
Doyle, Joseph M., J.P., Birch hill
Doyle, J., shoemaker, Coalisland
Dudgeon, A., bookkeeper, Coalisland
Duffy Bros., tailors, Donaghmore
Dunlop, Mrs., The Institution
Dynes, James, barber, Ann street
Eccles, Thomas, corn and flax miller, Coalisland
Ellis, Mrs., dressmaker, Church street
Ellis, Thomas, saddler, Church street
Elliott, Joseph, farmer, Whitetown
Erskine, Jackson, farmer, Tamnamore
Espey, Samuel, carpenter, Perry street
Ewing, James, P.L.G., Derryfubble
Fairbairn, Mrs., egg dealer, William street
Farrell, John, greengrocer, Irish street
Ferguson, Miss, ladies' emporium, Scotch street
Ferry, Johnston, grocer, Newmills
Ferry, William, grocer, Castlecaulfield
Flanagan, P., newsagent, stationer, and auctioneer, Scotch street
Forsyth, John, grocer, Eglish
Fowler, R., earthenware manufacturer, Derryboy
Fox, Mary, grocer, William street
Fox, Rev. P., P.P., Tullyallen
Frizell, The Misses, bonnetmakers, George's street
Frizell, The Misses, grocers, Scotch street
Fullan, Thomas, pawnbroker, Coalisland
Fullan & Son, Newmills Freestone Quarries, Dungannon
Gaffney, Charles, tailor, Perry street
Gallagher, Samuel, commercial traveller, Donaghmore
Gartland, James, grocer and baker, Coalisland
Gaskin, Thomas, shop manager, Thomas st..
Gauden, Rev. Simeon, Coalisland
Gault, John, grocer, Laghey, Moy
Geattens, Mrs. C, publican, Irish street
Gill, Dr. J. S., Ennish, Castlecaulfield
Gill, Rev. Robert, Clonaneese
Gillogly, Christopher, carpenter, Perry st.
Girvan, William, sweep, Ann street
Glasse, The Misses, The Institution
Goodwin, B., grocer and restaurateur, William street
Goodwin, Edward, jun., tailor and grocer, William street
Goodwin, Peter, grocer, Ann street
Goodwin, E., grocer and entertainment, Irish street
Gray, Mrs., ironmonger and grocer, Scotch street
Greene, Francis, cattledealer, Derraghadoan
Greene, Joseph, butcher, Scotch street
Greene, Miss, Thomas street
Greer, George, Rhonehill
Greer, Mrs., The Grange, Moy
Greeves, R. D., R.D.C., Killyman street, Moy
Grimason, Hy., foreman lapper, Market square
Grimason, Mrs., drapery and fancy warehouse, Market square
Hadden, J., flax mills, Castlecaulfield
Hale, Francis, J.P., Fairview
Hale, Martin, & Co., Ltd., spinning mill
Hall, James, blacksmith, Castlecaulfield
Hall, William, blacksmith, Castlecaulfield
Hall, William, gardener, Donaghmore
Hamilton, James M., Northland place, clerk of Urban Council and Petty Sessions
Hamilton, Rev. J., Thornhill
Hamilton, F., inspector of locks, Lagan Navigation Company, Coalisland
Hamilton, S., carpenter and servants' registry office, Perry street
Hamilton, W., road contractor, Farlough
Hanna, John, P.L.G., Innishmagh
Hardy, John, horseshoer, Market square
Harrdy, Ms., boot and shoemaker, Church street
Harkin, James, Coalisland
Harper, H. M., house and rent agent, Dungannon
Hart, Thomas, tenter, Milltown street
Harton, W. J., hardware and seed merchant, Irish street
Hayden, Mrs., publican, Shamble lane
Haydock, Henry, draper, Market square
Haydock, William, grocer, Scotch street
Hazelton, David, farmer, Bogbane, Moy
Hazelton, Thomas, farmer, Cullion
Henderson, Francis, rate collector, Church street
Henderson, Mrs., postmistress, Tamnamore
Henderson & Co., tape manufacturers, Sherrygroom
Henry, Robert, grocer, Scotch street
Heyburn, John, painter, Donaghmore road
Hinchey, Miss, grocer, Castlecaulfield
Hodge, W. R., grocer, Cabragh
Hodgett, Edw., town inspector, Perry street
Hodgett, R., Thomas street
Hodgett, S., Great Northern Railway, Mark street
Hodgett, Richard, jun., postal official, Thomas street
Hogg, Mrs., haberdasher, Irish street
Hood, Samuel, Perry street
Hooks, Joseph, plasterer, Donaghmore road
Hooks, Mrs., dressmaker, Donaghmore road
Howard, Joseph, draper and undertaker, Scotch street
Howard, Major R., Annaginny house
Howard, Samuel, solicitor, Northland row
Hoy, John, solicitor, Howard terrace
Hughes, A., grocer, Coalisland
Hughes, John, publican, Church street
Hughes, Michael, fowldealer, Barrack street
Hughes, Rev. P., P.P., Eglish
Hurson, Hugh, baker and grocer, Donaghmore
Imperial and Alliance Fire and Life Offices—John Beatty, agent, Irish street
Irvine, Thomas M., grocer, Market square
Irwin, G., cycle depot, William street
Irwin, Charleton, linenlapper, William street
Irwin, Henry, Aghareany, Donaghmore
Irwin, James, Derryveen
Irwin, J., Ranfurly estate bailiff, William street
Irwin, Lieut.-Colonel J. S., Howard terrace
Irwin, Mrs., dressmaker, William street
Irwin, Mrs. C. B., Ranfurly terrace
Irwin, Rev. A. S., Drumglass house
Irwin, Thomas Staples, J.P., Howard ter.
Irwin, William, The Hollow, Dungannon
Irwin, William J., solicitor, Market square
Irwin, W. R., undertaker, grocer, and merchant, Irish street
Jackson, William, flax mills, Dungororan
Jameson, James, flax mills, Mullyrodden
Jenkinson, Thomas, P.L.G., Cavan, Killyman, Moy
Johnston, D., blacksmith, Donaghmore
Johnston, Miss, draper, Coalisland
Johnston, Mrs. Emily, Northland row
Johnston, W. S., draper, Scotch street
Kane, James, grocer and spirit dealer, Coalisland
Kearney, Patrick, fishmonger, Church street
Keenan, John, cattle dealer, Springfield
Keith, Samuel, postal official, Union place
Kelly, Bernard, grocer and spirit dealer, Market square
Kelly, John, postman, William street
Kelly, Miss, laundress, Irish street
Kelly, Mrs., milliner, Church street
Kelly, Thomas, farmer, Clonaneese
Kelly, Thomas, shoemaker, Coalisland
Kelso, George, barger, George's street
Kennedy, Henry, mason, Mark street
Kerr, James A., tailor, Castlecaulfield
Kerr, John, baker and spirit dealer, William street
Kerr, W. R., tailor, George's street
Kertland, John G., Howard terrace
Kertland, Miss, Church street
Killyman Co-operative Agricultural & Dairy Society, Ltd.—R. D. Greeves, sec., Moy
Kilkeary, Miss, Market square
Kilpatrick, John, farmer and grocer, Ballynakelly
Kinley, H. W., Bloomhill, Dungannon
Knox, John, newsagent and hardware merchant, Donaghmore
Knox, Joseph, postmaster, Donaghmore
Knox, Robert, corn mills, Eglish
Kyle, Miss, The Institution
Langlands, John, & Sons, ironmongers and seed merchants, Church street
Latimer, Rev. W. T., Eglish
Laverty, Michl., horse dealer and publican, Scotch street
Lawson, Wm. J., grocer, Milltown
Leathern, Wm., M.D., J.P., Coalisland
Lee, John, cardriver, George's street
Leebody, J. W., B.A., B.E., county surveyor, Knockanevin
Leith, Mrs., school teacher, Union place
Leith, Robert, druggist and grocer, Scotch street
Lewis, William, Barrack street
Lilburn, R., bookkeeper, Northland row
Lindsay, Rev. S., Prospect house
Little Bros., egg buyers, Mullyconnor
Little, George, publican, Church street
Little, James, Coalisland
Little, John, grocer, Donaghmore
Little, Mrs. Rachel, grocer and spirit merchant, Coalisland
Lloyd, Averell, J.P., Benburb
Logan, Henry, linenlapper, Ann street
Longfield, Kelly, & Armstrong, solicitors, Northland row
Loughran, J., carpenter, Donaghmore
Loughran, Mrs., Killyquin cottage
Lowry, Miss, Howard terrace
Lowry, Colonel R. T. G., Pomeroy house
Loy, Dominic, spirit store, Ann street
Lyle, J. G. Winder, Donaghmore house
Mackay, Rev. D. T., The Manse, Newmills
Madden, Miss, clothes dealer, Irish street
Magee, H., dealer, Coalisland
Magee, John, glass and china warehouse, Coalisland
Magee, Philip, stationmaster G.N.R.
Maguire, John, grocer, Coalisland
Mallon, Arthur, Derraghadoan
Mallon, John, grocer and flax merchant, Irish street
Mallon, Mrs. A., ladies' outfitter, Church st
Manson, J., blacksmith, Donaghmore
Marmion, M. J. C, J.P., M.D., F.R.C.S.I., Scotch street
Marshall, R. C, druggist, Market square
Marsh, J., grocer, hardware merchant, and carowner, Coalisland
Marshall, Robert G., Castle hill
Marshall, William, flax mills, Legane
Martin, Miss, Ranfurly terrace
Martin, Patrick, carpenter and builder, Ann street
Mason, Mrs., The Institution
Matthews, Mrs., The Institution
Meglaughlin, Barry, solicitor, Gortmerron
Meenagh, John, painter and glazier, Barrack street
Millar, Edward, caretaker Masonic hall
Milligan, George, mechanic, Beechvalley
Milligan, Robert, P.L.G., Brantry
Moffett, R., & Co., drapers, Market square
Monck, Rev. J. S., Clonoe Rectory
Monson, District-Inspector Thomas, Northland place
Montgomery, Wm., lapper, Coalisland
Moon, Miss, organist and music teacher, Thomas street
Mooney, Thomas L., farmer, Farriter
Moran, James, superintendent, The Institution
Moran, The Misses, dressmakers, Market sq
Morell, Mrs., Scotch street
Morrison, Ferdinand, butcher, Irish street
Morrison, James, victualler, Irish street
Morrison, James, butcher, Coalisland
Morrison, James, publican, Irish street
Morrison, Miss Ellen, publican, Perry street
Morrow, Robert, farmer, Ballymeenagh, Newmills
Mulgrew, David, horseshoer, Market square
Mulgrew, David, jun., horseshoer, Irish st
Mulgrew, John, grocer, William street
Mulgrew, P., waiter, Scotch street
Mulholland, Bernard, publican, Coalisland
Mullan, Edward, clothes dealer, Irish street
Mullan, John, scutch mills, Tartlagban
Mullan, John, farmer, Strathmullan
Mullan, Wm., seed merchant and farmer, Drumkee, Coalisland
Murphy, D., N.S. teacher, Union place
Murphy, John, Drumhariff
Murphy, Miss, jeweller, Irish street
Murphy, Miss, spirit dealer, Coalisland
Murray, J., commercial traveller
Murray, P., grocer, William street
Murray, The Misses, milliners, Market sq.
M'Alister, James, grocer and seed merchant, Scotch street
M'Aleer, Peter, Commercial Hotel, Market square
M'Analy, H., boot and shoe maker, Donaghmore
M'Call, Thos., & Sons, coach factory, Scotch street
M'Cann, James, cooper, Scotch street
M'Cann, Mark, Thomas street
M'Cartan, Rev. Canon J. J., P.P., Donaghmore
M'Cauley, Charles, plasterer and slater, Donaghmore road
M'Cauley, Mrs., laundress, Anne street
M'Causland, Mary, spirit retailer, Donaghmore
M'Causland, Rev. Joseph, Carland
M'Causland, T., spirit retailer, Donaghmore
M'Clean, George, P.L.G., Tulnavern
M'Clean, J. R. B., Millbank, The Bush
M'Clean, Robert, grocer and hardware merchant, George street
M'Clean, Rev. Robert, Castlecaulfield
M'Clean, T., spade foundry, Mullaghatague
M'Coole, P. J., postmaster
M'Corkell, T., grocer, Donaghmore
M'Court, Owen, shoemaker, Creeve
M'Cready, T., landsteward, The Park
M'Crory, John, publican, Scotch street
M'Cusker, John, publican, Scotch street
M'Cudden, J., baker and grocer, Coalisland
M'Cullough, T., clay pipe manufacturer, Newmills
M'Daniel, William, grocer, draper, posting establishment, and general merchant, Coalisland
M'Dermott, Miss M., B.A., Ladies' School, College buildings
M'Dermott, Mrs., temperance hotel, George's street
M'Donald, John R., J.P., Cohannon, Moy
M' Donald, Robert, town surveyor, Castlehill
M'Elhatton, P., publican and bootmaker, Donaghmore road
M'Elhone, Francis, grocer and spirit dealer, Ann street
M'Elhone, James, spirit dealer, leather merchant, and shipping agent, Irish street
M'Elhone, Michael, publican, Ann street
M'Elhone, Miss M., tobacconist, Irish street
M'Elhone, W., refreshment rooms, William street
M'Elvenna, Hugh, dealer and billposter, Coalisland
M'Elvogue, John, shoemaker, Irish street
M'Fadden, Hugh R., law clerk, Perry st
M'Fadden, Mrs., dressmaker, Perry street
M'Ferran, George, tobacconist and branch post office, Scotch street
M'Gartland, J., publican and grocer, Irish street
M'Gartland, Misses, grocers and dressmakers, William street
M'Gouran, J., hairdresser, Church St., Dungannon
M'Glinchey, The Misses, drapers & milliners, Coalisland
M'Glade, Henry, butcher, Coalisland
M'Glone, P., boot and shoe maker, Donaghmore
M'Guffin, Miss, draper, Scotch street
M'Guffin, W., relieving officer, George's st
M'Guigan, Michael, ropemaker, Irish street
M'Guone, Michael, confectioner and carowner, Scotch street
M'Gurk, P., carpenter and builder, Dungannon
M'Hugh, Philip, Sessiadonaghy
M'Ilroy, Robert, R.D.C., Myroe, Killyman
M'Kay, Mrs., Thomas street
M'Kee, Frederick, C.B.O., William street
M'Kee, J., & Sons, saw mills, contractors and builders
M'Kee, Rev. P. A., C.C., Coalisland
M'Kee, William, Verner estate office
M'Kenna, Thos., publican, Scotch street
M'Keown, W. G., Meredith Hotel, Scotch street
M'Kinley, James, ropemaker, Union place
M'Mahon, John, butcher, Coalisland
M'Manus, Samuel, draper, tailor, &c, Market square
M'Menemy, Samuel, draper, Scotch street
M'Minn, William J., farmer, Corrainey, The Bush
M'Mullan, Alex., billposter, William street
M'Nally, John, mason, William street
M'Nally, Patrick, greengrocer, Irish street
M'Naney, William F., boot and shoe warehouse, Irish street
M'Neill, Dougald, confectioner, Perry street
M'Rory, Michael, draper, Scotch street
M'Shane, Peter, clothes dealer, Irish street
M'Vey, John, corn mills, Dernaseer
Neill, W. J., Victoria villas
Nesbitt, William R., farmer, Drumreagh, Newmills
Nethery, James, pharmaceutical chemist, Scotch street
Newell, H., J.P., butcher, Market square
Newell, Joseph, butcher, Perry street
Newton, Robert, J.P., Killymeal house
Nixon, Alex., painter, Perry street
Noble, Henry, butler, Church street
Northland Arms Hotel, George's street—Joseph Wherry, proprietor
Nugent, James, painter, William street
Orr, W. J., J.P., Lisnacroy
O'Brien, Francis, grocer, &c, Ann street
O'Connor, J., grocer, Donaghmore
O'Hagan, James, J.P., Coole
O'Neill, Francis, publican, Scotch street
O'Neill, John, coachbuilder, Milltown st
O'Neill, John, shoemaker, Irish street
O'Neill, John, tinsmith, Ann street
O'Neill, Edward, pawnbroker, Ann street
O'Neill, John M., farmer, Donaghmore
O'Neill, Mrs., grocer and spirit dealer, Coalisland
O'Neill, Mrs. M., grocer, Donaghmore
O'Neill, Miss Eugenie, Coalisland
O'Neill, P., grocer and spirit dealer, Scotch street
Patterson, Alex., clerk of markets, auctioneer and newsagent, Scotch street
Patterson, William, J.P., Drumgold
Patterson, William, publican, Brackaville, Coalisland
Paton, Joseph A., grocer and general merchant, Castlecaulfield
Patton, Robert, builder and contractor, Castle cottage
Pike, William, fish dealer, Ann street
Pinkerton, Wm., watchmaker, Scotch street
Powell, H. R., law assistant, Northland row
Quinn, B., hardware merchant, Scotch street
Quinn, Edward, R.D.C., Terrenew, Castlecaulfield
Quinn, John A., solicitor, Scotch St., Dungannon; James street, Cookstown; and 41 Lower Sackville street, Dublin
Quinn, Mrs., spirit dealer, earthenware and tile manufacturer, Coalisland
Ranfurly, Right Hon. Earl of, Northland house
Ranfurly Arms Hotel—J. G. Bower, proprtr.
Reardon, P., tailor and tobacconist, Irish st
Reid Bros., spirit merchants, Scotch street
Reid, F. D., bonded stores, Beechvalley
Reid, Samuel, boot and shoe warehouse, Scotch street
Reynolds, David, Bessmount house
Reynolds, T. W., grocer & druggist, Scotch street
Reynolds, W. J., solicitor, Howard terrace
Rice, Miss Annie, greengrocer & carowner, Perry street
Richards, Rev. Canon Lewis, D.D., Northland row
Richardson, A. W., printer, Park view
Richardson, Captain J., J.P., Trewmount
Richardson, Dawson, Coalisland
Richardson, James, Coolkill
Richardson, John, Fernshaw
Richardson, Murray, stationer, Church st
Richardson, Richard, grocer, &c., Church st
Richardson, Wm., farmer, Lakeview
Richardson & Sons, printers, bookbinders, picture framers, stationers, newsagents, and fancy goods warehouse
Roberts, Neason, saddler, Irish street
Roberts, W. J., bookkeeper, Lakeview
Robinson, Henry, manager Belfast Bank
Robinson, James, flaxbuyer, Northland row
Robinson, John B., Derrymeen
Robinson, Richard, J.P., Kinnego
Robinson, Robert, R.D.C., Cumber
Robinson, W. G., estate agent, Roughan pk
Robson, Samuel, estate agent, Larchmount, Dungannon
Rogers, Miss J., grocer and draper, Laghey, Killyman, Moy
Rolestone, Mrs., Castle hill
Rooney, John, spinning master, Clare ter.
Rose-Cleland, Henry S., manager Redford Linen Co., Limited, Moy
Ruddy, John, flaxbuyer, Newmills
Rutledge, Samuel, com. traveller, Northland row
Ryan, Patrick, dealer
Scott, Dr. John W., dispensary medical officer, Coalisland
Senior, W. J., postmaster, grocer, and hardware merchant, Newmills
Shannon, Mrs., Lisnaclin
Sheals, John, shoemaker, Coalisland
Sheerin, Rev. P., C.C., Donaghmore
Shields Bros., drapers, Irish street
Shields, Michael, J.P., Cappagh
Shields, Peter, J.P., Altmore
Shillington, John, farmer, Eskragh
Shillington, William, farmer, Eskragh
Simmons, Dupre A., school teacher, Dreemore, Killyman
Simmons, James, school teacher, Greystone
Simmons & Meglaughlin, solicitors, Market square, Dungannon, and 18 Nassau St., Dublin
Simpson, Dr. W. A., Howard terrace
Simpson, Rev. R. T., M.A., John street
Slean, Mrs. A., publican, George's street
Slean, Esther, publican, Scotch street
Sloane, Zeno, music teacher, Union place
Smith Bros., drapers and boot merchants, George's street
Smith, H. J., grocer and provision store, George's street
Smith, J., Gortmerron house, Dungannon
Smith, John, J.P., Ardgivna, Donaghmore
Smith, Mrs., Thomas street
Smith, Robert, & Co., grocers, bakers, and provision merchants, Donaghmore
Smith, Samuel, cattle dealer, Union place
Spence, John, insurance agent, Scotch street
Steele, Mrs., dressmaker and grocer, Irish street
Steenson, W., carpenter, Donaghmore
Stevenson, John, & Co., Ltd., spade and shovel manufacturers, steam sawing and grinding mills, and weaving factory, Coalisland
Stevenson, R., jun., manufacturer, Northland row
Stevenson & Son, linen manufacturers, bleachers, dyers, and finishers, George's street and Moygashel Mills, Dungannon
Stewart, Benjamin, farmer, Ballymeenagh, Newmills
Stewart, Gerrard, farmer, Creevagh, Carland
Stewart, Mrs., spirit dealer, Newmills
Stewart, Robert, publican, builder, and contractor, Irish street
Stewart, Robert, saddler, Scotch street
Stewart, John, farmer, Ballymeenagh, Newmills
Stewart, Robert, & Son, corn and wheat millers, Gortin Mills, Coalisland
Stewart, William, spirit dealer, Newmills
Stuart, Miss F., College view
Stuart, Miss Mary, Northland row
Stuart, Miss O., Ranfurly terrace
Stuart, Miss P. A., Dreemore
Sugars, J. C, M.D., Northland row
Taggart, J., veterinary surgeon, Perry street
Tanny, James, grocer, Donaghmore
Tackaberry, Thomas, workhouse master, Dungannon
Taylor, Hugh, Market square
Tener, Richard, spirit dealer, Castlecaulfield
Thompson, John, contractor, Newmills
Thompson, W., grocer and hardware merchant, Coalisland
Thornberry, Miss, matron of Union Workhouse
Thornberry, R., shoemaker, Castlecaulfield
Thornberry, W. H. N., school teacher, Belle Vue
Tierney, Thomas, coachbuilder, Sloan street
Tisdall, Thomas, rate collector, Bealemount
Todd, Miss M. K., music teacher, George's st
Todd, Andrew, M.D., J.P., Howard terrace
Todd, John, carowner, Union place
Todd, Miss E., stationery warehouse, Scotch street
Toner, James, grocer, Coalisland
Trimble, William J., & Sons, photographers and china warehouse, Church street
Twigg, Wm., M.D., Northland row
Walker, Samuel, carpenter, Milltown
Walker, William, mechanic, Perry street
Walsh, Joseph, relieving officer, Kilnacart
Warnock, The Misses, milliners and dressmakers, Scotch street
Watson, William, veterinary surgeon, Perry street
Watson & Bell, grocers, Irish street
Watt, J., posting establishment, George's st
Watt, Robert, mineral water manufacturer, George's street
Watterson, L. G., draper, Church street
Whan, Samuel, R.D.C., Claggan, Carland
Whiteside, John C, Flowerhill, Coalisland
Wilson Bros., Roan Spinning Mills, Coalisland
Wilson, Henry, J.P., Roan house, Coalisland
Wilson, John M., bookkeeper, Thomas st
Wilson, Samuel, land commissioner, Northland row-
Wilson, Walter, Roan, Coalisland
Wilson, William, J.P., Cranebrook
Wood, John, excise officer, Castle hill
Wylie, Thomas, general merchant, 3, 4 Church street
Woods, John, poultry dealer, Ann street
Woods, Joseph, R.D.C., Lisnamonaghan, Castlecaulfield
Wright, George, school teacher, Newmills
Young, Lewis, entertainment, George's st

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