Cookstown, County Tyrone

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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Cookstown Institutions | Inhabitants | District Inhabitants


Adair, Thomas, & Co., flax and tow spinners, Greenvale
Adair, Thomas, & Son, bleachers and finishers, Greenvale
Adair, John (of Thomas Adair & Son), Glenavon
Adair, H., J.P., C.Clr., Glenavon
Adair, John, R.D.C.
Adams, Rev. Kennedy, B.A., Orritor
Allen, E. M., & Son, publicans, auctioneers, valuators, and house furnishers, William street and The Imperial Hotel and Hall, Molesworth street
Allen, James, farmer, Millburn street
Allen, J., grocer and flesher, Oldtown street and Molesworth street
Anderson, D., & Son, grocers, provision dealers, and agricultural seed merchants, William street
Anderson, James D. (of D. Anderson & Son), Oldtown street
Anderson's Saddlery, James street
Anderson, John, millinery and boot and shoe warehouse, William street
Atcheson, David J., Molesworth street
Atcheson, Thomas, teacher, Chapel street
Ballentine, William, Loy street
Bannigan, J. & J., grocers and publicans, Oldtown street
Baxter, Joseph, grocer and egg merchant, Coagh street
Bear, George R., auctioneer and property salesman, Molesworth street
Bell, Robert, woollen draper and merchant tailor, Oldtown street
Bell, Henry J., linotype operator, Strifehill
Blair, David, boot and shoe maker, James street
Boyle, Joseph, painter, Chapel street
Brennen, A. M., assistant surveyor, Burn rd
Brown, R. J., blacksmith, Oldtown street
Brown, William, farmer, Loy
Browne, Robert, merchant tailor, William st
Browne, William, Molesworth road
Bryson, Samuel, stationmaster, Midland Railway
Burnett, Jas., builder and contractor, James street
Burns, James, baker, Chapel street
Campbell, M., confectioner, James street
Carnaghan, M., clothes dealer and pawnbroker, William street
Carroll, Thomas, creamery inspector
Castlestuart, the Right Hon. the Earl of, D.L., Drum Manor
Charles, A., watchmaker, jeweller, and photographer, James street
Charles, Richard, china, delph, and leather merchant, James street
Clinton, Rev. J. R., B.A., Methodist Manse, Loy street
Cluff, R., J.P., Kildress
Cluff, Miss, Magheraglass
Coffey, Thomas, publican, James street
Collins, Mrs., Chapel street
Conlon, Patrick, saddler, Oldtown street
Conn, Wm., blacksmith, Lismoney
Cooper, Mrs., Killymoon street
Crane, Richard, labourer, Union street
Dr. R. Crossett, M.D., Elm terrace, Loy st
Crothers, J. T., Tirnaskea
Dalgarno, A., commission agent, Union st
Dalgarno, Son, & Co., restaurateurs, billposters, and advertising contractors, Union street
Devlin, Augustine (of Stewart, Devlin, & Co.)
Devlin, Fred., agent Prudential Assurance Co., Loy street
Devlin, F. P. (of J. Devlin & Sons), William street
Devlin, J., & Sons, grocers, agricultural seed merchants, and publicans, William street
Devlin, James, publican, Union street
Devlin, John, publican, William street
Devlin, Joseph W., publican, Molesworth st
Devlin, Patrick (of S. Devlin & Co.), Union street
Devlin, R. A., publican, James street
Devlin, Stewart, J.P. (of S. Devlin & Co.), Union street
Devlin, Stewart, & Co., butter and egg merchants and commission agents, Union st
Dickson, M., woollen draper, &c., Molesworth street
Dinsmore, Misses, music teachers, James st
Doey, T., & Son, boot and shoe makers, William street
Donaghy, Bernard, labourer, Oldtown st
Donaldson, J. G., manager Belfast Bank
Branch and insurance agent, James st
Donnelly, Hugh, flesher, Molesworth street
Donnelly, James, builder, Molesworth road
Donnelly, Mary, Greyhound Hotel, Union street
Donnelly, S., boot and shoe merchant, William street
Doris, John, publican and auctioneer, James street
Dougal, James, N.S. teacher, Toberlane
Dunseith & Co., merchant tailors, William street
Dunseith, James and William (of Dunseith & Co.)
Early, John, grocer, William street
Eastwood, Charles, dressmaking establishment, hardware and boot merchant, William street
Ekin, T. A., cashier Belfast Bank, Molesworth road
Elder, John, smith, Oldtown street
Entrican, Rev. J., B.A., Molesworth street
Faulkner, John, grocer, china and delph merchant, William street
Ferguson, Miss, Burn road
Ferguson, R. A., The Royal Hotel, Coagh street
Ferguson, S. A., grocer, Oldtown street
Field, S., draper, milliner, and dressmaker, William street
Flanagan, John, grocer, boot and shoe merchant, Church street
Fleming, Miss, Molesworth road
Fleming, J. W., C.P.S., James st.; office, Oldtown street
Foley, William, manager Hibernian Bank, James street
Foot, Walter, accountant Hibernian Bank, Molesworth road
Forrest, John, builder and contractor, Loy street
Forsythe, William, tea merchant, Church st
Freeburn, John, pensioner, Loy street
Gage, T. R. Bailie, Tirnaskea
Gardner, W. (of Drapersfield Weaving Factory), Drapersfield
Garvin, Robert S., dentist, Molesworth rd
Gaussen, Mrs., Mount view
Geddes, Joseph, woollen draper, &c., James street
Gibson, Thomas, cashier (T. Adair & Son), South End cottage, Killymoon street
Gillespie, John, M.D., Oldtown street
Glasgow, Henry L. (of J. & H. L. Glasgow), Loy street
Glasgow, J. & H. L., booksellers, stationers, printers, newsagents, and seedsmen, William street
Glasgow, John, J.P. (of J. & H. L. Glasgow), William street
Glasgow, R. J.. postmistress, James street
Glasgow, W. J., assistant clerk of union office, school attendance officer, and rate collector, James street
Glass, Rev. Thomas, B.A., The Manse, James street
Glenn, W. S., commercial traveller, Drum road
Glenn, Mrs., N.S. teacher, Drum road
Gourley, James, blacksmith, Burn road
Gourley, Miss, Molesworth street
Graves, Charles H. P. D., M.D., M.Ch., Gortaliagh
Greer, Fred, J.P., Lissan
Greer, T., J.P., Lissan
Gunning, John, & Son, linen manufacturers and finishers, Milburn Works
Hagan, Joseph & James, horseshoers, James street
Hamilton, A., watchmaker and jeweller, William street
Hamilton, H., timber merchant, Chapel st
Hamilton. Herbert J., watchmaker and jeweller, James street
Hamilton, Joseph, timber merchant, Union street
Hamilton, Robert, carpenter, Church street
Hamilton, Robert, boot and shoe merchant, William street
Hamilton, Samuel, baker, Oldtown street
Harbison, T. J. S., solicitor, James street
Harbison, W. J., grocer, baker, publican, and agricultural seed merchant, James street
Harkness, J. J. (manager S. E. Weir & Co.), Oldtown street
Harris, J. P., solicitor, Stewartstown office, James street
Henderson, Mrs., linen manufacturer, Rock lodge
Henry, Isaac H., pharmaceutical chemist and grocer, William street
Hogg, Daniel, builder, Tyresson
Hopper, Mrs., Molesworth street
Hopper, John D. (of W. J. Hopper & Bros.)
Hopper, W. J., & Bros., woollen drapers, merchant tailors, milliners, dressmakers, &c., James street
Houston, Misses, Ladies' School, Chapel st
Howard, James, grocer, Loy street
Hughes, Peter, dealer, Union street
Hull, Miss, Molesworth road
Hull, T., foreman Hopper Bros., James st.
Johnston, Richard, grocer, Oldtown street
Johnston, Thomas H., publican, Oldtown st
Johnston, W. C., grocer, James street
Johnston, William, Oldtown street
Kerr, John, grocer, &c., Killymoon street
Kerr, Nurse, registered midwife, Chapel st
Knight, W. J. R., M.D., M.Ch., L.M., Oldtown street
Lamont, W. S., Oldtown street
Lavery, George R., stationmaster G.N. Railway, Molesworth road
Lavery, W. J., clerk of markets, Waterloo terrace
Lennox, A., draper, William street
Lennox & Co., boot and shoe warehouse, James street
Leeper, William, J.P., Wellbrook
Lewis, A. P., grocer and baker, Millburn street
Lewis, Samuel A. (manager J. Gunning & Sons), Prospect house
Lewis, Thomas J., flesher, William street
Liddle, E., & Son, ironmongers, sawmill owners, timber, hardware, vegetable, and agricultural seed merchants, James street
Liddle, James C. (of E. Liddle & Son), James street
MacCormac, Mrs., Molesworth road
Mackenzie, The Misses, Chapel street
Magill, S. Rankin, manager Ulster Bank Branch, William street
Malone, A., grocer and publican, William st
Malone, B., publican, Loy street
Malone, E, J., solicitor, James street; res., Church street
Malone, John, solicitor and coroner, James street
Malone, Robert, grocer, baker, and publican, William street
Mann, H. A., J.P., clerk P.L. union, Elm terrace
Manson, W. & M., grocers, butter and egg merchants, Molesworth street
Mark, John, Oldtown street
Mason, Richard and James (of W. & M. Mason)
Mayne, John, cabinetmaker and Temperance hotel, Molesworth street
Meikle, J., Coffey's yard, James street
Meharg, James, Molesworth road
Millar, William, manager gas works and town surveyor, Union street
Mills, T., wholesale tinsmith, Oldtown st
Mills, C., painter, Oldtown street
Moeran, Rev. F. M., The Rectory
Montgomery, J., Ulster Coach Factory, Coagh street
Monson, J. W., clerk of income tax, Loy street
Moore, J. B. Gunning, J.P., D.L., Coolnafranky
Morgan, W., grocer, confectioner, and publican, James street
Morgan, W., tailor, James street
Morrison, A., draper and cycle agent, James street and Molesworth street
Morton, A., boot and shoe merchant, Molesworth street
Moutray, M. S. T., Killymoon
Muldoon, M., grocer, Chapel street
Mulgrew, John, mail car driver
Mulholland, R. H., & Brothers, merchant tailors, William street
Mullan, James, Stewart Arms Hotel, tobacconist and auctioneer, James street, Molesworth street, and Union street
Mullan, James, solicitor : office, Molesworth street; residence, Loy street
Munnis, William A., Greenvale
Munnis, John W., Greenvale
Murphy, Captain Moore, J.P., Gortreagh house
Murray, Thomas, blacksmith, Coffey's yard
M'Adoo, Herbert N., draper and boot merchant, Oldtown street
M'Adoo, Hugh W., draper, William street
M'Aleer, Michael, grocer, Chapel street
M'Cann, J., grocer and agent for American Oil Co., Oldtown street
M'Causland, Miss, The Cafe, James street
M'Clay, W., woollen draper and milliner, William street
M'Clelland, Alex. T., journalist, Burn road
M'Cleland, Mrs., The Cafe, James street
M'Clelland, Sloane, baker, grocer, and restaurateur, William street
M'Clelland, T., printer, bookseller, stationer, William street
M'Collum, A. J., grocer, baker, and agricultural seed merchant, James street
M'Connell, S., boot and shoe merchant, William street
M'Cooke, J. & J., builders, James street
M'Cormack, John, grocer and provision merchant, William street
M'Cormick, Misses, The Cottage
M'Cormick, George, mechanic, Oldtown st.
M'Culloch, Hugh, sanitary and relieving officer, Chapel street
M'Cutcheon, William, master Union Workhouse, Maloon
M'Elderry, James, baker, Union street
M'Gready, I., grocer and baker, Oldtown street
M'Gucken, James, publican and carowner, Oldtown street and Molesworth street
M'Guone, Dan, dealer, Loy street
M'Kay, Thomas, grocer and agricultural seed merchant, Molesworth street
M'Kay, Thomas, jun., Molesworth street
M'Keown, Samuel, carpenter and contractor, Burn road
M'Kenna, James, hairdresser, William st.
M'Kinney, Samuel, pharmaceutical chemist, grocer, &c., Oldtown street
M'Mahon, Joseph, flesher, William street
M'Nally, John, J.P., builder, sawmill owner and timber merchant, Molesworth road
M'Nally, Michael, builder, Chapel street
M'Naney, J., hardware merchant, boot and shoe warehouse, William street
M'Veigh, James, grocer, James street
M'Vey, Andrew, of M'Vey Bros.
M'Vey Bros., grocers and ironmongers, Molesworth street
M'Vey, William, of M'Vey Bros.
Newell, Joseph, flesher, William street
O'Connell. T., insurance agent, James st.
O'Kane, Sarah, publican
O'Neill, Arthur, agent for the Prudential Assurance Co., Church street
O'Neill, Mrs., Loy street
Patterson, Mrs., Molesworth road
Parke, Wm., summons server, Union st.
Patteson, Miss, James street
Poe, Colonel William H., Slaghtfreeden
Porter, W., Molesworth road
Porter, W. M'Donald, cabinetmaker, undertaker, and upholsterer, James street
Purdy Bros., hardware merchants and fancy goods dealers, William street
Quin, John, grocer, Church street
Quin, H., publican, Coagh street and Molesworth street
Quin, Michael, publican, James street
Ramsey, George, J.P., Claggan
Ramsey, George, N.S. teacher, Mountain view
Raphael, George J., James street
Raphael, Henry N., solicitor, James street
Rice, Very Rev. Canon, P.P., The Presbytery
Rice, William, N.S. teacher, Loy street
Richardson, A. W., draper, Molesworth st.
Robinson, Robert, enginedriver, Union st.
Rutherford, William, J.P., farmer and mill owner, Derrycrummy
Rutherford, D., mason, Millburn street
Russell, J., assistant superintendent Prudential Assurance Co., Burn road
Russell, Mrs., boarding-house
Rutledge, J. B.A., Academy, Loy street
Scott, W. J., plumber, &c., Union street
Scott, L., servants' registry office, Oldtown street
Shaw, John, restaurateur, James street
Shaw, Samuel, shoemaker, Coach street
Sheridan, John, hotel boots, Burn road
Simms, Rev. Alex., B.A., Loy street
Sinclair, William, labourer, Coagh street
Sisters of Mercy, The Convent, Chapel st.
Small, B. J., grocer and publican, William street
Smart, John, carpenter. William street
Stanton, Mrs. J., Millview
Staples, Lady, Lissan house
Staples, J. H., D.L., J.P., Lissan house
Steenson, R., cabinetmaker and undertaker, Oldtown street
Stewart, Joseph, grocer and agricultural seed merchant, James street
Stewart, Mrs., Killymoon street
Taylor, F. W., grocer and provision merchant, William street
Thompson Bros., grocers and provision merchants
Thompson, Joseph, of Thompson Bros., grocers
Thompson, J., B.A., N.S. teacher, Rock cottage
Thompson, William, carowner and boarding house
Tierney, Patrick, carowner, William street
Todd, George, James street
Todd, John, ironmonger and hardware merchant, James street
Tubman, M. M., tobacconist, stationer, and newsagent, James street
Turkington, D., cycle agent, Oldtown st.
Turkington, S., chemist. Molesworth street—D. J. Aitchison
Twigg, J. B. & R. H., solicitors, office, James street; res., Molesworth road
Venables & Byers, solicitors, Molesworth st.
Venables, W. J., of Venables & Byers, Church street
Warnock, W. H., house painter, &c., Benview
Waterpower Linen Co., linen manufacturers
Weir, Silas E., & Co., woollen drapers, milliners, dressmakers, and merchant tailors, James street
Weir, James, labourer, Church street
Whan, Mrs., boarding-house, Burn road
Windsor, William J., tailor, Orritor street
Wray, Mrs., Molesworth road
Wright, Hamilton, N.S. teacher, Drum road
Young, Rev. J. M., A.B., Kildress rectory

Cookstown Institutions | Inhabitants | District Inhabitants

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