Foreword - Story of Belfast

THE love of country is a virtue that we all need to possess, and this "Story of Belfast" tells us the author has it in abundance.

It is to this spirit of patriotism that we owe the following pages, and herein lies good fortune for us.

The story of Belfast and neighbourhood, comparatively short though its history may be, is nevertheless full of interest, and yet I fancy not widely known, and perhaps soon forgotten.

In these pages the author has endeavoured to rectify any such lack of knowledge on our part and has set up her story in such a manner as to compel a closer study of all that Belfast has to offer in the shape of history. Young, as well as old, are tempted to dip deep into this reservoir of historic fact and legend.

I feel confident that all who take advantage of the opportunities of study offered in these pages will find themselves well rewarded. The narrative is full of interest, recalling incidents and events, the reading of which will afford many pleasurable and instructive moments to those who have leisure for a perusal of its contents.


Belfast Castle,
