Ulick De Burgh, 5th Earl of Clanricard

De Burgh, Ulick, 5th Earl and Marquis of Clanricard, son of preceeding, was born in 1604. He attended Charles I. on his campaign in Scotland in 1640, and continued true to the royalist cause in the War of 1641-'52. Although his name appears prominently in Clarendon's History, his role was rather that of a negotiator than a warrior. In 1644 he was created a marquis and appointed Commander-in-chief in Connaught. He supported the Marquis of Ormond in the matter of the cessation of hostilities; and when Ormond retired to France, accepted the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland. He was a prime mover in the negotiations with the Duke of Lorraine, for making over to him some of the strong places of the island in return for a sum of money, but ultimately was obliged to repudiate the arrangement.

In 1652, wearied out with Irish affairs, by the consent of Prince Charles and with the leave of General Ludlow, he retired to his estate in Kent; where, according to Clarendon, "he was civilly treated by all men, as a man who had many friends and could have no enemies but those who could not be friends to any." He died in 1657, within a year of leaving Ireland, worn out by the fatigues and distresses he had been exposed to. He was buried with his father at Tunbridge. He was a zealous Catholic. Both Clarendon and Carte speak in the highest terms of his character. The latter writes: "He had a greatness of mind, a nobleness of sentiments, and an integrity of heart, that were not to be corrupted by any temptation, or biassed by any selfish, mean, or unworthy views; compassionate in his temper, sincere in his professions, true and constant in his friendships, and delicate (if possible to an excess) in the point of honour; no man ever loved his country more or his friend better than he did, being ready on all occasions to sacrifice himself for either." Clarendon mentions his having left memoirs of his time, which do not appear to have been as yet given to the public. This branch of the De Burghs is at present represented by Hubert, 2nd Marquis and 15th Earl of Clanricard.


54. Burke, Sir Bernard: Peerage and Baronetage.

80. Clarendon, Earl of: History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars. 8 vols. Oxford,1826.

216. Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, Revised and Enlarged by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. Dublin, 1789.

271. Ormond, Duke of, Life 1610-'88: Thomas A. Carte, M.A. 6 vols. Oxford, 1851.