Thomas Gage

Gage, Thomas, Rev., or Friar Thomas of St. Mary, a missionary and author, was an Irishman, born in 1597. Travelling in Spain, he joined the Dominican order, and was sent as a missionary to the Philippines in 1625. He afterwards laboured amongst the Indians in Guatemala and elsewhere. After his return he abjured Catholicism, settled in England, and obtained the living of Deal in Kent. He published in 1648, a Survey of the West Indies. Southey says the portion relating to Mexico was copied verbatim from Nicholas's Conquest of West India. He was also the author of a History of Mexico. He died about 1655.


16. Authors, Dictionary of British and American: S. Austin Allibone. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1859-'71.

36. Biographical Dictionary: William R. Cates. London, 1867.

37a. Biographical Dictionary—American Biography: Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1876.