Major-General Sir Edward Michael Pakenham

Pakenham, Sir Edward Michael, Major-General, second son of Baron Longfield, was born about 17 79. He commanded two British regiments which garrisoned Stralsund in 1812, and was afterwards more actively employed in Holland. He distinguished himself during the Peninsular War, where he acted for a time as quartermaster-general to his brother-in-law, Lord Wellington, receiving the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. He was in command, and fell, in the unsuccessful attack on New Orleans, 8th January 1815. The Gentleman's Magazine, in its account of the battle, says: "The brave commander of the forces, who never in his life could refrain from being at the post of honour, and sharing the danger to which the troops were exposed, as soon as from his station he had made the signal for the troops to advance, galloped on to the front to animate them by his presence, and he was seen with his hat off, encouraging them on the crest of the glacis: and it was there (almost at the same time) he received two wounds, one in his knee, and another, which was almost instantly fatal, in his body." His death caused a wavering in the column, the British fell back in the greatest confusion, and the battle of New Orleans was lost. Major-General Pakenham was aged 36 when he fell.


54. Burke, Sir Bernard: Peerage and Baronetage.

146. Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1731-1868.
Gilbert, John T., see Nos. 110, 335.