
From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

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Bible & Simmons, London street
Brandon, H. B., & Co., Shipquay street
Campbell, P., Castle street
Doherty, William, 46 Chapel road, Waterside
Donnell, James, Castle street
Donnell, S. & W. J., Castle street
Galbraith, John, 4 Queen street
Given, Thomas, Baronet street
Hassen, John, Duke street
Jenkinson, Henry, & Co., Duke street
Magee, T. S., & Son, Castle street
M'Carter, H. R., Shipquay street
Park, R. H., Dunfield, Waterside
Roulston, Charles, 9 Castle street
Scott, H. E., Guildhall
Stevenson, R. J., Magazine street
Stewart, G. E., 25 Shipquay street
Tomb, James, Waterloo buildings, Waterloo street
Walker, W., Magazine street
White, Thomas, Castle street
Williams, J. A., Bank place


Adair, W., Duke street, Waterside
Best, David, Sackville street
Garmany, Wm., William street
Johnston, Sir J. B., Great James street
Kerr, Lang, & Jackson, Ltd., Strand road
Thompson, Wm., & Co., Ltd., Shipquay street and Prince Arthur street


Abbey Foundry Co., William street
Brown, A., & Sons, Ltd., Foyle and Wellington Foundries, Foyle street
Craig, A. & G., Queen's quay
Garmany, W., William street
M'Elhinney, Thomas, Queen's quay


Austin, Richard A., Diamond and Strand rd
Dale, S., Ebrington terrace
Frizell, W. A., & Co., Waterloo place
Glendinning, James, Strand road
Hegarty, James H., Diamond
Maxwell, Greer, & Co., Foyle street
Mitchell, W. G., & Co., William street
M'Caul, J., & Co., Ferryquay street
Prior & Co., Ferryquay street
Rainey, T. J., Strand road
Stewart, D., Duke street


Alliance Art Co., Carlisle road
Ayton, George, Shipquay street
Coghlan, Francis, 31 Carlisle road
Glass, James, Carlisle road
Harris, Ernest G., Bishop street
Kerr, H., & Son, Carlisle road
Murdoch, Robert, Gt. James street


Buchanan, R. Eccles, C.E., Castle street
Conroy, D., Shipquay street
Elliott, P. H., Castle street
Johnston, T., 11 East Wall
Knox, J. M. C., East Wall
M'Elwee, William, William street
M'Grath, J. P., Commercial buildings, Foyle street
Nolan, R. H., B.E., Carlisle road
Pinkerton, W. E., M.R.I.A., Shipquay st
Robinson, John M., 59 Clarendon street
Robinson, M. A., Richmond street
Stewart, Abraham M'C, Strand road
Toye, Edward J., Gt. James street


Anderson, Thomas, Castle street
Bond, Thomas A., & Co., Castle street
Campbell, A. P., Foyle road
Coyle, Robert, Carlisle road
Frew, Alexander, Carlisle road
Galbraith, J., Magazine street
Hassen, John, Duke street
Irons, David, Foyle street
Mee, W. H., & Co., Foyle street
M'Connell, J. J., & Co., Orchard street
Stevenson, James, Strand road
Tomb & Son, Waterloo buildings, Waterloo street


City Hotel, Foyle street
Doherty, J., Waterloo street
Gibson, Mrs., Northern Counties hotel
Frew, Mrs., Victoria Hotel, Ferryquay gate
Kelly, Mrs. E., Foyle street
Madden Bros., Waterloo place
M'Cafferty, James, Sackville street
Nesbitt, S., Imperial Hotel, Bishop street


Anderson, George, Carlisle road
Brewster, Limited, James street
Brown, John, Bishop street
Carruthers & M'Bride, Spencer road
Chambers, Joseph, Abercorn road
Doherty, James, Fountain street
Doherty, John, & Son, Bishop street
Doherty, John, Union street
Eaton & Co., Waterside
Fleming, William J., Rossville street
Foster, M. A., Waterloo place
M'Elroy, James, Bishop street
M'Kenna, Patrick, Bishop street
Norris, Robert, 249 Lecky road
Orr, Robert, Ferryquay street and Carlisle road
Orr, William, Carlisle road
Porter & Roulstone, William street
Rock Bread & Biscuit Co., Pennyburn
Stevenson, H., & Co., Waterloo place and William street
Thompson, Henry, Ferryquay street


Erskine, A., Provincial Bank, Shipquay st
Johnston, Andrew, Northern, Shipquay st
Moody, A. J., Ulster Bank, Waterloo place
Morse, D. S., Bank of Ireland, Shipquay st
M'Clatchie, J. J., Belfast, Shipquay street
Slevin, Felix, Hibernian, Shipquay street
Williams, James A., Savings Bank, Bank place


Bond, W. G., Orchard street
Burns, John, Sackville street
Campbell, Phillip, Chamberlain street
Doherty & Boyle, Carlisle road
Donaghy, J., Waterloo place
M'Clean, James, James street
M'Mahon, Hugh, London street
Rooney, J., Waterloo place
Shannon, W., Magazine street


Brown, A., & Sons, Ltd., Foyle and Wellington Foundries, Foyle street
Craig's Engineering Works, Queen's quay
M'Elhinney, Thomas, Queen's quay


Cargill, Thomas, Linenhall street
Gallagher, Charles, Diamond
Irvine, David, Waterloo street


Adair, William, Duke street, Waterside
Adams, Robert, Fountain place
Barr, William, Lower Fountain hill
Black, John, Argyle street
Blair, Samuel, & Co., Butcher street
Burke, James, Waterloo street
Durnin, James, James street and Strand rd
Fit and Wear Co., Carlisle road
Forsythe, James, William street
Francis, David, Bishop street
Fraser, John, Charlotte street
Gilliland, S., Sackville street
Gillespie, Daniel, Richmond street
Gordon Bros., Ferryquay street and Waterloo street
Harper, James, Duke street
Hassan, M., The Diamond
Hegarty, T., Bishop street
Hill, F. M., Carlisle road
Lynch, R., Bishop street
Moore, James, Bishop street
Morrison, James, Foyle street
M'Cleery & Co., William street
M'Cracken, Joseph, Bishop street
M'Cully, James, Argyll street
M'Cutcheon, John, Butcher street
M'Fadden, J., Bishop street
M'Ginn, P., William street
M'Keown & Co., Waterloo street, Butcher street, and Spencer road
M'Laughlin, John, Waterloo street and William street
M'Manus, P., Strand road
Pollock, John A., Carlisle road
Pollock, William, Bennett street
Public Benefit Company, Foyle street
Selfridge, Alex., Bishop street
Selfridge, S., Duke street and Ebrington terrace
Rutledge & Co. Carlisle road
Thompson, M., Strand road
Tyler & Sons, Ferryquay street
Walker, Joseph, Glendermott road
Whan & Co., Sackville street
Wilson & Co., Ferryquay street


Davin, George, Aubrey street
Hyland, J. & F., Lower Clarendon street


Ballintine, Jose, Limited, Strand road
Boyd, W. J., Upper Violet street
Cabena, W. J., London street
Colhoun, Robert, Strand road
Cooke, William, Bishop street
Doherty, D., & Son, Spencer road
Fulton, James A., Fountain street
Ferguson & Crooks, Orchard street
Gallagher & Son, Strand road
Harte, Joseph, Ebrington terrace
Heatley, S. & G., Society street
Maultsaid, J. E., Waterloo place
Montgomery, Robert, Prince's quay
M'Bride, James, Rosemount
M'Dermott Bros., Linenhall street
M'Kinney Bros., Duke street
Reid, James, Great James street
Shannon & Rutledge, Fountain street
Sweeney, M., Strand road
Thompson, Stewart, Magazine street
White, William, Strand road


Alexander, P. M., Sir E. Reid's market and Spencer road
Alexander, James, Bishop street
Anthony, J. J., Fountain street
Boner, Thomas, Clooney terrace
Brown, William, Bishop street
Campbell, John, Eden place and Rossville st
Carson, J., Park avenue
Cassidy, S., William street
Devlin, Michael, Waterloo place
Doherty, Charles, Lecky road
Doherty, Francis, Creggan road
Doherty, James, Bishop street
Doherty, John, Spencer road
Doherty, Mrs., Duke street
Doherty, Mrs., Foyle st. and Gt. James st.
Doherty, Patrick, Rossville street
Gallagher, R., Waterloo street
Graham, Alex., Great James street
Graham, Thomas D., Butcher street and Strand road
Healy, William, Strand road
Lamb & Bullock, Bishop street
Magirr, James, Bishop street
Martin, Patrick, Dungiven road
M'Daid, James, William street
M'Daid, Richard, Bishop street
M'Gilligan, John, Waterloo street
M'Gowan, John, Rossville street
Quigley, William, Bishop street, Duke st. and John street
Risk, Mrs., Spencer road


Biggers, Limited, Foyle street
Brown, J. (reps. of), Strand road
Buchanan Bros., Foyle street
Cooke & Co., Patrick street
Howatson, G., & Co., Abercorn quay
Lecky, H., Foyle street
Logue, John, Spencer road
Mark, Roulston & M'Laughlin, Foyle street
McDowell & Co., Strand road
M'Laughlin, Thomas, Walker's place, Waterside
Osborne, John, & Son, Foyle street
Russell, James, Foyle street
Wylie & Co., Strand


Finlay, Robert, Sir Edward Reid's market and Linenhall street
Frew, A., Carlisle road and Bridge street
Kerr, Robert, Northland avenue
Millar & Beatty, Ltd., Bishop street
M'Dermott Bros., Linenhall street
M'Donnell, H., & Son, Abercorn road
M'Laughlin, M., Strand road
M'Nulty, Daniel, Bridge street
M'Nulty, John, 148 Bogside
M'Nulty & Sons, William street
Pollock, J. J., & Co., Ferryquay street
Warren, W., Society street
White, William, Sir Edward Reid's market


Reid, James, Great James street
Snodgrass, Thomas, Spencer road
White, William, Strand road


Chambers, William, Pump street
Durnin, John, Foyle street
Gordon, E., Empire Frame Works, Market street
Jordan, William, Great James street
Kerr, W. M., Waterloo place
Malcolm, J., & Co., Strand road
M'Closkey, W., Stanley's walk
M'Cool, Charles, Waterloo place
Shannon, Andrew, Pump street
Thompson, J., Queen street


Hughes, John, & Co., Orchard street
M'Cay, Alex., & Co., Ltd., Ferryquay st.
Watson, J. & R., Foyle street


Hadden, James, & Co., Sackville street
Holmes & Mullin, Limited, Waterloo place
M'Cay, Alex., & Co., Ltd., Ferryquay st.


Burns, J., & Co., Bishop street
Creggan, Michael, Richmond street and Duke street
Edgar, Miss, Carlisle road
Gordon, T., & Son, Diamond
M'Colgan, John, Shipquay street
M'Geady, John, William street
Sawers & Co., Bishop street


Ferguson, T., Magazine street
Gilmour, William, Bishop street
Lynn & Co., Ltd., Great James street
Williamson Bros., Strand road


Corbett, J. W., Shipquay street
Curry, W. J., Melrose terrace and York st.
Howatson, G., & Co., Abercorn quay
Lane, Henry, & Co., Shipquay and Waterside
M'Devette & Donnell, Foyle street and quay
Montgomery, J. R., Ltd., Foyle street
Morrison, Samuel, & Co., Prince's quay, Duke street, and Strand road
M'Curry, J., Prince's quay


Austin, A. E. S., Strand road
Boston Dental Company, Great James st.
Craig, David, Queen street
Kennedy, Marshall, Great James street
Minniece, T., Pump street
Smyth, Samuel, Clarendon street
Williams, Herbert, Shipquay street


Watt, David, & Co., Limited, Abbey street and Waterside


Campbell, William, Bishop steet
Bell, A., & Son, Paisley—-office, Bishop st
Johnson Bros., Ltd., Ferryquay street


Cooper, Mrs., London street
Gallagher, Miss, Bishop street
Hegarty, Mrs., Carlisle road
Hill & Co., Spencer road
Miller, Miss, Carlisle road


Adair, W., Duke street
Henderson Bros. (Anchor Line), Foyle street
Galbraith, J., Magazine street
Montgomery, J. R., Foyle street
Pinkerton & Co., Middle quay
Tomb, James, & Son, Waterloo buildings, Waterloo place
Turner, W., Allan Bros. (Allan Line and State Line), Foyle street


Abbey Foundry Co., William street
Brown, A., & Sons, Ltd., Wellington Foundry, Foyle street
Craig, A. & G., Queen's quay
Garmany, Wm., 57 William street
M'Elhinney, Thomas, Queen's quay


Bradley, W. J., & Co., Shipquay street
Gill, Samuel, Bridge street
Irvine, David, Waterloo street (litho.)
Taylor, W., Shipquay street


Ballantine, Joseph, Ltd., Strand road
Colhoun, Robert, Strand road
Keys, Robert, & Co., Waterloo place and Strand road


Campbell, C, Duke street
City Cafe, Shipquay street
Coffee Stall, Guildhall square
Criterion Restaurant, Foyle street
Craig, William J., Carlisle road
Foster, M. A., Waterloo place
Holmes & Mullin, Limited, Waterloo place
M'Cann & Co., Strand road
M'Clean, James, William street
Orr, Robert, Ferryquay street and Carlisle road
Orr, William, Carlisle road
Stevenson, Hugh, & Co., Waterloo place
Sweeney, P., 45 Foyle street
Temperance Council Restaurant, Water st.
The Working Man's Cafe, Water street
Thompson, Henry, Ferryquay street
Victoria Cafe, Strand road


Steen, Mackey, Logan, & Caldwell, Orchard street


Anderson, G., Carlisle road
Brewster, Ltd., James street
Browne, John, Bishop street
Burn, A., Great James street
Carruthers & M'Bride, Spencer road
Derry Sweetmeat Co., Carlisle road
Eaton & Co., Waterside
Fleming, W. J., Rossville street
Foster, M. A., Waterloo place
M'Cann & Co., Strand road
M'Elroy, J., Bishop street
M'Kenna, Patrick, Bishop street
O'Kane, John, Waterloo street
Orr, Robert, Ferryquay street and Carlisle road
Orr, William, Carlisle road
Rooney, Mrs., Waterloo place
Shenken, H., Strand and Carlisle road
Stevenson, Hugh, & Co., Waterloo place
Thompson, Henry, Ferryquay street


Boner, Edward, Waterloo street
Collins, Anthony, William street
Doherty, John, Bridge street
Duffy, John, Waterloo street
Lynn, Thomas, Bridge street
M'Carron, Daniel, Waterloo street
M'Grotty, J., Union street, Waterside
Orr, Robert, Fountain street


Coventry Cycle Co., John street and Carlisle road
Alexander, John, John street
Rudge-Whitworth Co., Ltd., Great James street
Elkin & Co., John street
Price, H., & Co., Shipquay place
M'Garrigle, C, Patrick street.
North Derry Motor & Cycle Co., 40 Duke street
Risley, James, Clarendon street
Taggart, Samuel, John street


Canadian Pacific Railway—Agents, James Toomb & Son, Waterloo street
Ferguson, William, Foyle street
Globe Parcel Express Office—Agent, Mrs. Gailey, Waterloo place
Great Northern Railway Co., John street and Foyle street
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway—Office, Waterloo place—R. Woodney, district agent
London and North-Western Railway Office, Foyle street—District agent, Hugh Henderson
Midland Railway (England)—Office, Waterloo place—-J. C. Harris, district agent
Montgomery, J. R., Ltd., Foyle street
M'Crea & M'Farland, Ltd., Foyle street
M'Learn & Co., Foyle street


Bradley, James, Reid's market
Brandon, F., Donegall place
Diven, Patrick, Market street
M'Connell, John, Waterloo street
M'Court, John, Strand road
M'Culloch, William, Great James street
Sheppard, Mrs., Linenhall street
Sweeney, P., William street


Ferris, William, Foyle street
Holmes & Mullin, Ltd., Waterloo place
M'Cay, Alex., & Co., Ltd., Ferryquay street
M'Millan & Son, Ferryquay street
Rankin, Knox, & Co., Foyle street
Rosborough & Co., Ferryquay street
Watson, J. & R., Foyle street


Austin, William, & Co., Foyle street
Christie, John, Ltd., Foyle street
Dixon, Percy, Foyle street
Gilliland, S., & Son, Rock Mills, Strand
Lyons, Gallaugher, & Co., Prince's quay
Mee, William H., Foyle street
Mitchell, William, Foyle street
Osborne, John, & Son, Foyle street
Roulstone, J. & R., Foyle street
Smyth, Robert, Shipquay street
Spillers & Bakers, Ltd., Foyle street
Stewart, Samuel, Prince's quay
Victoria Milling Co., Duke street and Foyle street
Wilson, A., & Co., Lorne street


Cregan, Michael, Duke street
Devine, Miss, John street
Devine, D., & Sons, John street
Dugan, H. E., Strand road
Hart, M., Linenhall street
M'Cann, Bernard, Strand road
M'Coach, W., Sir E. Reid's market
M'Corkell Bros., Carlisle road
Neely, M., Strand road
Stewart, James, Great James street
Sweeney, P., William street and Sir E. Reid's market
Thompson, William, Duke street
Walls, J., William street


Devine, D., & Son, John street
Hadden, J., & Co., Sackville street
Holmes & Mullin, Ltd., Waterloo place
M'Cay, A., & Co., Ltd., Ferryquay street
M'Millan & Son, Ferryquay street
Osborne & Patton, Shipquay street
Rosborough & Co., Ferryquay street
Roulston & Smyth, Strand road
Smyth, James, Bishop street


Finlay, Robert, Sir Edward Reid's market
Frew, A., & Co., Carlisle road and Bridge street
Millar & Beatty, Ltd., Bishop street
Millar, John, Sir Edward Reid's market
M'Donnell, Henry, & Son, Abercorn road
M'Gahey, Wm., Sir Edward Reid's market
M'Geoghegan, Mrs., William street
M'Laughlin, James, William street
M'Nulty, Daniel, Bridge street
Pollock, J. J., & Co., Ferry quay street
Scott, M. & M., Diamond and Bishop street
Tomb, James, & Son, Waterloo street
Whyte, W., Reid's market
Wray, David, Reid's market
Wray, Thomas, Reid's market


Divin, P., Newmarket street
Ferris, William, Foyle street
Holmes & Mullin, Limited, Waterloo place
M'Connell, John, Waterloo street
M'Culloch, W. L.., Great James street
M'Kinney, Peter, Patrick street


Burns, George, Sackville street
Campbell, Philip, Chamberlain street
Doherty & Boyle, John street
Donaghy, J., Waterloo place
Love, Joseph., Orchard street
M'Clean, James, James street
M'Daid, James, Bishop street
M'Mahon, Hugh, London street
Mitchell & M'Aleney, Artillery street
Morrison, William, Fountain street
Rooney, James, Waterloo place
Shannon, W., Magazine street

« Lisnaskea | Contents | Public Institutions | Magistrates & Professionals | Merchants & Traders (1) | (2) | (3) | Loughbrickland »