Index (6) - Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland

From A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland 1906

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N.B.—The numbers in parentheses after names of places denote the squares of the map where the names are to be found.

PAGAN artistic metal-work, 246, 399.
—— ornamentation, 244.
Paganism, chap. v.
Painters, 445.
Painting the cheeks, 377.
Palaces, 24, 320 to 342.
Palladius, 133, 135.
Pallas, the goddess, 107.
Pallas Grean, 111.
Palsy, 272.
Pancakes, 361.
Pantry, 300.
Paps, the, mountains near Killarney, 109.
Parchment, 202, 205.
Parmenius or Formenius the hermit, 36.
Parnell, Thomas, 342.
Parsnips, 366.
Parthalon, 127.
Parthalonian colony, 31, 271.
Pasturage, 421.
Patrick, St., 28, 34, 73, 98, 100, 118, 119, 120, 122, 128, 133, 135, 136, 154, 155, 164, 165, 169, 171, 174, 205, 217, 220, 318, 328, 453, 454, 470, 526.
——Druidical prophecy of his coming, 98.
Patrickstown fairy-moat, 107.
Pearls, 10, 401, 402.
Peat or turf, 369.
Pen and penknife, 203.
Penwork as an art, 239.
Penal Laws, 72, 495.
Pentarchy, the Irish, 17.
Pepin, Mayor of the Palace, 194.
Person and toilet, 376 to 382.
Personal ornaments, 399 to 419.
Pet animals, 525.
Petrie, Dr. George, Pref. xii; 161,162, 321, 324.
—— his Irish Music, 262.
Phantom Island, 125.
Phantoms, 104 and following pages; 117.
Phoenicians, 121, 494.
Phoenix Park, near Dublin, 513.
Physicians, 264 to 268, chap. xiv. in general.
—— Goddess of, 109.
—— in the army, 66.
Picts, 33, 37, 226, 227.
—— and Scots, 31.
Pigs, 25, 429, 430, 511.
Pigsty, 299.
Pillar-stones, 120, 423.
Pincers or tongs of smith, 441.
Pinginn, a penny, a coin and weight, 474 to 478.
Pinkerton, the Scotch historian, 219.
Pins, 391, 392.
Pipes, musical, 256, 257, 501.
Pitfalls for animals, 511.
Place, time, person, and cause of writing a book, Preface, x.
Plagues, 270.
Plane, a carpenter's, 447.
Pleaders and advocates, 91.
Pledging articles, 519.
Plough and ploughing, 427.
Plough-whistles, 261.
Pocket, 394.
Poems, educational, 184.
Poetry, ancient Irish, 214 to 216.
Poets, 109, 186 and following, 304: see Ollave.
—— circuits or visitations of, 187.
—— saved at Drumketta, 189.
—— writing staves of, 202, 203, 204.
Poison, 280.
Poitou in France, 348.
Polyolbion, Drayton's, 253.
Pooka, Ir. puca, the fairy, 116.
Poor laws in ancient Ireland, 520, 521.
—— scholars, 181.
Popular cures and herb-knowledge, 280.
Porcelain ornaments, 294.
Pork, 354.
Porridge, 362, 363.
Posts supporting roof, 293.
Pottage or hash, 355.
Potters and potter's wheel, 320.
Pounds for cattle, 87, 525.
Prayer, 95, 144, 152.
Precious stones, 401.
Press for shaping timber, 447.
Privileges of kings, 23.
Prizes for performances at fairs, 501.
Probe, a doctor's, 277.
Procedure by distress, 87.
—— by fasting, 88.
Professions, 9.
—— hereditary, 184, chap. viii. in general.
Property, test of rank, 77.
Prosody, Irish, 214 to 216.
Prosper of Aquitaine, 133.
Protection of crafts, 452 to 455.
Provinces, the ancient, 13, 14, 15.
Psalms, 218.
Psalter of Cashel, 230.
Ptolemy, the geographer, 494.
Puddings, 356.
Punishment, modes of, 89.
Purple in dyeing, 467, 468.
Purse, 394.
Pursuit of Dermot and Grainne, 327.
Pythoness, 101.

QUAIGH, a drinking-cup, 317.
Queens, 17, 92.
Quern, 142, 459.
Quicken, quickbeam, or rowantree, 100, 102, 355.
Quin in Clare, 160, 420.

RACES, 500, 509.
Racks for hanging small articles on, 302.
Radnorshire, 35.
Rahan (34), church doorway, 454.
Rake (the instrument), 428.
Rampart boundaries, 424.
Rath, a circular earthwork for a dwelling, 112, 306, 309, 310: see Lis.
—— in Westmeath, 329.
Rathbeagh on the Nore, 329.
Rath Caelchon at Tara, 326.
Rathcoran near Baltinglass, 335.
Rathcroghan in Roscommon: see Croghan.
Rath Grainne at Tara, 327.
Rath-Keltair at Downpatick, 39, 41.
Rath-Laegaire at Tara, 327.
Rathmaive near Tara, 310, 328.
Rathmiles near Tara, 328.
Rathnagree near Baltinglass, 336.
Rath-na seanaid at Tara, 325.
Rath-righ or Rath-na-Righ at Tara, 310, 323.
Ravens, 98, 99.
Razors, 380, 381.
Reaping and reaping-hooks, 426.
Re-birth, 126, 127.
Rechtaire, a house-steward, 28.
Recitation of stories and poetry, 179, 238, 500.
Red Branch Knights, 38, 39, 42, 45, 47, 48, 54, 235, 265, 329, 330, 345, 346, 510.
Reeds for roofs, 293.
Reeves, Rt. Rev. William, 220.
Reins: see Bridles.
Relics, use of, in battle, 65.
Relieving officer, 521.
Relig-na-Rig at Croghan, 332.
Rennet, 361.
Rent, 82, 84, 85.
Reptiles and serpents, 117, 524, 525.
Restrictions of kings, 25.
Retaliation and law of, 86.
Reuda, same as Carbery Riada, 37, 227.
Revenue of kings, 22, 25.
Rhapsodists of the Greeks, 500.
Rheumatism cured, 277.
Rhyme and rhymmg, 215, 216.
Rhyming rats to death, 188.
Ring-money, 478.
Rings and bracelets, 400, 401, 501.
Roads, 4, 328, 480 to 483.
Roberts, an English writer, 298, 347, 358.
Rock of Cashel, the, 337, 338.
Roe of a salmon, 362.
Roman and Greek writers on Ireland, 32, 494.
Romanesque style of architecture, 158, 159.
Roman wall, 424.
Rome and the Romans, 23, 33, 54, 64, 97, 135, 145, 146, 177, 347, 348, 377, 504.
Roofs of houses, 293.
Roscommon abbey, 229.
Rosualt, a fabulous monstrous fish, 525.
Round towers, 160, 451.
Rowan tree, 355.
Royal residences, 24, 320 to 342.
Roydamna, a crown prince, 19, 500.
Ruadan of Lorrha, St , 321.
Runners or couriers, 29.
Rushes for beds, 303.
—— for floors, 305.
—— for roofs, 293.
Rushlights, 372.
Ruskin quoted, 383.
Rye, 426.

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